What Do Armadillo Tracks Look Like?

Usually, the initial sign of armadillos is the sight of their tracks in mud or dirt. Armadillo tracks are identifiable by four long toe prints, each tipped with a sharp claw. Their toes are spread out when they walk, so armadillo footprints may look like those of opossums or raccoons. In addition, they have scaly tails that drag behind them as they move, which appears as a line in the soil.

Problems with Armadillos

Finding armadillo tracks typically means the animal is currently nearby or lives in the area. These pests do not move fast, traveling at a rate of less than one mile per hour. They rarely stray from a home territory of about one-tenth of a square mile once they've decided to stay. The problem with having armadillos around is that they like to burrow, which is damaging to driveways, fences, and home foundations. Additionally, they will uproot gardens and flower beds to feed on foliage and insects.

Getting Rid of Armadillos

In order to deter armadillos after discovering their tracks, homeowners must take measures to keep the pests away. They venture onto properties searching for food, so removing heavy brush areas may discourage them. Standard fences may not be enough to deter these climbing and digging pests, but barriers that slant outward along gardens can stop them. Though these steps are helpful in reducing armadillo problems, the nocturnal animals may continue to damage landscaping around homes. The professionals at Critter Control have the experience to safely remove armadillos. Contact Us at Critter Control of Houston for professional removal! 

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