Getting Rid of Dead Animals
Dead animals leave a horrendous smell, and the carcass can lead to a multitude of health hazards: insect infestations, stains, and lingering odors. After removing the wildlife from your Houston home, the team at Critter Control of Houston will implement industrial-grade deodorizers, neutralizers, and air purifiers to get rid of the dead animal smell. Call 713.820.6563 today for more information on solving all your animal problems and learn more about where dead animals are often found in the home.
Dead Animal in the Attic
Finding dead animals in the attic is problematic for a number of reasons. You likely discovered the animal because of the unpleasant odors coming from the decay of the animal. Dead animals in the attic can lead to compromised insulation, thereby decreasing the efficiency of the insulation. Some animals that are commonly found in the attic include raccoons, bats, mice & rats.
Dead Animal in the Crawlspace or Basement
Animals are drawn to dark and dank areas like your basement or crawlspace and this is often their final resting place, especially if they get stuck. Contact Us for safe and professional carcasses removal. We will make sure that your home stays odor, stain, and disease free.